794, SenahaYomitan-son, Nakagami-gun, Japan 904-0312



Hours: Wed – Sun 10:00am to 4:00pm *Appointment required

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Welcome to the
Historical Museum

During the U.S. administration of Okinawa from 1945 to 1972, Castle Terrace is located at U.S. Camp KUE which was established and managed by a former Hollywood actor and musician, Lynn F. Cowan. The Castle Terrace museum is run by his grandson, the museum presents the glamorous era of castle terrace Club, showcasing the interactions and culture of the period. Visitors can learn more about history of the Castle Terrace Club and its exhibits from him. Castle Terrace visitors are required appointment.

About Us

Castle Terrace Club in Camp Kue

During the U.S. administration of Okinawa from 1945 to 1972, Castle Terrace is located at U.S. Camp KUE which was established and managed by a former Hollywood actor and musician, Lynn F. Cowan. The Castle Terrace museum is run by his grandson, the museum presents the glamorous era of castle terrace Club, showcasing the interactions and culture of the period. Visitors can learn more about history of the Castle Terrace Club and its exhibits from him. Castle Terrace visitors are required appointment.

1945年から1972年の米国による沖縄統治期間中、米軍Camp KUE内にあったCastle Terrace Clubは、元ハリウッド俳優兼ミュージシャンのLynn F Cowanによって設立・運営されました。現在は彼の孫が管理する非営利のCastle Terrace博物館では、当時の華やかな時代を再現した展示や当時の交流・文化が紹介されています。ご希望の方はスタッフより、歴史や展示品の詳細な説明を受けることができます。事前予約が必要ですので、ご来館前にお問い合わせください。

Museum Timing










10:00am to 4:00pm

10:00am to 4:00pm

10:00am to 4:00pm

10:00am to 4:00pm

10:00am to 4:00pm

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